Gosh the last month has been such a blessing. Day jobs are demanding but coming home to the farm and taking care of the alpacas is such a JOY!
You’d think more work, what are you thinking, but most alpaca owners will tell you… it’s not work, it’s so much fun. Yes, even poop pickup.
With the garden producing all kinds of yummy food for the family we’ve also discovered the alpacas are quite interested in it. They pace back and forth along the garden fence and try to catch a nibble of anything hanging over. The most fun has been giving them the cauliflower and broccoli leaves and stems. Dash and his mom Tamara are in love with them. A nice change I suppose to hay, grass and other foliage.
Reflection is not as big a fan of the veggies as she is of my tree in the back yard… but who could be mad at that face.
LIFE is TRULY better with Alpacas, if you want to come out and visit let me know:) [email protected]